God’s Word to You today is Romans 5:18-19

18 Consequently, just as the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men, so also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men. 19 For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.

Let’s face it, we all are bad in some way. No matter how good we may think we are there is something inside us or about us that keeps us from being perfect. It may even be something inherited or learned but we all have something. And that something is what keeps us from being good enough or perfect enough to be with God.

No one has ever been good enough. It has always been because of our faith and his grace.

So it was with Noah, Abram, David, and all those who were before Christ.

Because of our faith the suffering, the sacrifice of one, of Jesus the Christ, was enough. His blood was enough to cover all our petty, selfish, sinful souls. Because of His blood and our faith and His grace we can and should be joyous and celebrate our salvation. The world should know we are His without us telling it.

Do they see Christ in you? I pray they do today.

me n’ God love ya