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Welcome to    God’s Word to You

God’s Word to You today is found in Psalm 111:10

  10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.

   We like to hear about how much God loves us don’t we?  I mean let’s face it, we love to hear how anyone loves us.  I doubt any of us really like to hear someone doesn’t like us even if we don’t like them. 

   And most of us like to hear how He demonstrates His love and think He made things in this world just so WE could see it, taste it, smell it or enjoy it however we do.  We like to hear He is a God of love. Period.

   What we don’t like is the thought of fearing Him.  Yet if we only look at or think about His love and the ways He is supposed to show it to us we probably end up with this genie who makes the world turn around me attitude and thought process.

   Imagine King Kong leaning over and picking you up.  That might sound a bit scary huh?  How about a great white shark nudging your leg?  That should be a bit scary too.

   Imagine being in the middle of a huge field and suddenly an earthquake opens a mile deep pit and you fall into it.  And maybe it has huge flames and you feel the heat and your skin is boiling off of your body as you fall.  Now that is kinda scary too huh?

   Or imagine a being so powerful that at a thought he could send you thru time, melt you into nothingness, scar your body with unending pain and misery for eternity at the blink of an eye.

   Does any of that sound like fun or a comfortable day? 

   Well just a quick fyi, God is more powerful than any of those and more than our minds can begin to imagine and as our Creator and one who is so powerful, we all should feel some fear of being in His presence. To stand before Him should make us quake in our shoes and tremble at the thought of doing so.

   Because if it wasn’t for Jesus and the cross we could never stand before Him. Now I’m not saying we have to go thru this life in fear of His wrath or condemnation since we can know that in Christ Jesus there is no condemnation for us but… we should have awe, respect and yes a bit of fear of Him just for who He is.

   And we need to have a heart full of love and appreciation for Christ on the cross for being our Redeemer and for opening that door so we can be with Him for eternity.  Amen?  Amen!

me n’ God love ya


I’d love to know how God is working in your lives and get to know you. Please feel encouraged to send any comments and thoughts.

Email me at  Chuck.Acts420@gmail.com

in His service,

