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Welcome to God’s Word to You

God’s Word to You today is found in Jeremiah 29:11-13

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Today is the 100th anniversary celebration of the church I was saved at. They are having a BBQ and special services. I have a lot of love and memories of our time there.

Dawn and I are serving today. We are serving at our new church. It is celebrating 12 years of life this month.

A few years ago as our old church began making plans for this service I was excited to think of how cool it would be to be part of such a historic time. Little did we know that God would take us away.

But He knows best. He has plans. I have nothing but love for our old church and feel very blessed that God used them to teach, share and help grow me for God’s plans.

And I am just excited to see where and what He will lead us to do in our new home. I am excited to see what His plans are. And yes we miss our old home and yes we are in a new place and finding our niche but wow, to think God knows and has so much more in store for us than we can imagine.

The bottom line is this. It isn’t about being comfortable and liking everything at church. It isn’t about what programs and sports they have. It is about is God using you and growing you there.

It is as much about the church getting from you as it is you from it.

And that is because the church isn’t a building or denomination. It isn’t a preacher or Sunday School teacher. It is us. We who are the body of Christ. As our music leader Josh Maze says, church isn’t a building and doesn’t start at a certain time on Sundays, it is we who are the church and we are the church 24/7/365.

Today I want to thank Bartlett Hills Baptist Church for sharing God with me and guiding and growing me in my first 14 years of my new life in Christ. Happy 100th Anniversary.

And thanks Highpoint Memphis for already using us and welcoming us to our new home and new direction in life with Christ. Happy 12th Anniversary.

me n’ God love ya


I’d love to know how God is working in your lives and get to know you. Please feel encouraged to send any comments and thoughts.

Email me at Chuck.Acts420@gmail.com

in His service,

